Cd Savings
Banking products and services are subject to bank and credit approval. BMO Harris Bank N.A. Notice to Customers. To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money. Overview: Marcus is the consumer banking arm of investment firm Goldman Sachs. It offers a range of savings products and personal loans. That includes a number of CD.
If you’re looking to make the most of your savings, CDs (certificate of deposit accounts) regularly offer interest rates that are higher than the ones offered with traditional savings accounts.

In return for higher CD interest rates, the bank will expect you to deposit your money in an account for an extended period of time, which can span a few months to a few years. One thing to keep in mind about CDs is that you should only invest money that you won’t need for a while. Otherwise, you’ll risk paying a penalty for early withdrawal if you remove your funds from the CD before the term is up.
If you’re sure you can put money away for a longer period of time and you don’t want to pursue riskier investments, CDs might be worth a look. Interest rates vary for CDs across banks, so it’s best to compare the options available before you lock up your money.
Best CD rates of August 2020
- Sallie Mae: Current 1-year CD rate of 0.80% APY
- Marcus by Goldman Sachs: Current 1-year CD rate of 0.85% APY
- Ally: Current 1-year CD rate of 0.75% APY
- Discover: Current 1-year CD rate of 0.80% APY
- Alliant Credit Union: Current 1-year CD rate of 0.75% APY
- Synchrony: Current 1-year CD rate of 0.75% APY
- Capital One: Current 1-year yield of 0.50% APY
- TIAA Bank: Current 1-year CD rate of 0.60% APY
- Charles Schwab: Current 1-year CD rate of 0.15% APY
Ally – Current 1-year CD rate of 0.75% APY
Ally is one of the best online banks in the industry. In fact, Ally guarantees you’ll get the best rate on your CD with the Ally 10-day best rate guarantee. If Ally’s CD rate goes up within 10 days of closing on your CD, it will raise your rate to the higher one. Ally also offers a 0.05% loyalty reward if you renew your current CD. You can renew and choose any CD it offers. Ally also has no minimum balance requirements and it’s convenient to manage your account online.
Capital One – Current 1-year CD rate of 0.30% APY
It’s a common belief that Capital One only offers credit cards, but it has become a top contender in the CD market thanks to its awesome CD rates. With Capital One, there is no minimum deposit for 360 CDs and it’s FDIC insured. The 1-year interest rate for Capital One CD’s is 0.30%, and it increases with the 3-year and 5-year accounts. The highest interest rate you can earn on a CD through Capital One is 0.60%, which is offered on 5-year CDs.
Discover – Current 1-year CD rate of 0.60% APY
Discover may be known for cash-back credit cards, but it recently entered the CD market with competitive rates and top-notch customer service. There’s an app to monitor and access your account, and Discover is one of the only banks to offer CDs with a duration as short as 3 months. It does have an early withdrawal penalty, though, so if your CD term is less than 1 year, the penalty is worth 3 months of simple interest.
TIAA Bank – Current 1-year CD rate 0.60% APY
TIAA Bank offers a wide range of CDs, including its Yield Pledge CDs, which come with higher rates than the bank’s regular CDs. Yield Pledge CD rates are also often higher rates than the competitors, plus you can choose from terms that range from 3 months to 5 years with a $5,000 minimum deposit.
TIAA also offers a Bump Rate CD that starts at an incredibly high rate for a CD and gives you a one-time option to bump your rate during the term of your CD, so if the interest rate increases, you can take advantage of it. The Bump Rate CD is only available with a 3.5-year term, with rates starting at 0.75% APY.
On the downside, TIAA locations are limited. This bank only has brick-and-mortar locations in Florida.
Marcus by Goldman Sachs – Current 1-year CD rate of 0.85% APY
Marcus offers three no-penalty CD options and high yield CDs with nine different terms to choose from. Like TIAA, it offers a 10-day CD rate guarantee and no transaction fees. Marcus doesn’t have a mobile app or physical locations, though, so you’ll have to rely on either the Marcus website, the Goldman Sachs website or customer service for access to your accounts. It does offer CDs with a $500 minimum deposit and very competitive interest rates, though.
Charles Schwab – Current 1-year CD rate of 0.15% APY
Charles Schwab offers brokered CDs, which are sold by a broker rather than a bank. Different banks issue them, so you can choose a competitive rate and term length that’s best for you. It also allows you the opportunity to choose from variable or fixed-rate CDs. Some CDs require high minimum deposits, though, and instead of compounding interest, the interest is paid into your brokerage account at different intervals.
Instead of offering set terms, you can choose from a range of terms instead. For example, a 1-year CD falls into a 10-18 month range, which offers the same 0.15% APY rate for all CDs in that term range.
Synchrony – Current 1-year CD rate 0.60% APY
Synchrony is an online bank that offers great savings opportunities on some of the highest-rate CDs available, and it offers a wide range of term options, too. It doesn’t charge a monthly service fee, but it does require a rather high $2,000 minimum deposit, even on basic CDs. The minimum deposit may pose a hardship for some, but with that higher deposit comes the opportunity to earn more interest.
With Synchrony, you can choose from terms as short as three months and as long as 60 months. Synchrony doesn’t have physical bank locations, but you can manage your CD through 24/7 digital banking.
Alliant Credit Union – Current 1-year CD rate 0.55% APY
Cd Savings Account
Alliant Credit Union serves people who work for, or previously worked for, certain employers, including United Airlines. It also serves family members of existing Alliant members, along with people who live or work in certain communities in Illinois, members of select organizations, or anyone who makes a $5 donation to the nonprofit group Foster Care to Success. Alliant currently has more than 390,000 members across the U.S., as well as competitive CD rates. There’s a minimum deposit of $1,000, though, and an early withdrawal penalties. The best way to apply is online.
Compare Best CD Rates of September 2020
Rates as of 9/21/2020
National average CD rates
Rates data as of 9/18/2020 from the FDIC
What is a CD?
Cd Savings Bonds
As we touched on above, a certificate of deposit, also known as a “share certificate” at credit unions, is a way to earn a high interest rate on your savings by leaving your money in the bank for a specific amount of time. In general, a CD is less liquid because you can’t access the money during the term you agreed to without penalty, so you earn a higher interest rate in return. CD terms can be as short as 3 months or as long as 5 years, or sometimes longer, and the general rule is that the longer the term you agree to, the better the interest rate.
CDs are a safer investment than other high yield investments, like money market accounts or the stock market, because the FDIC insures deposits at member banks and credit unions up to the maximum amount allowed by law. You won’t lose your money as the market fluctuates, nor will your interest rate decrease (unless you agreed to a variable interest rate), so you’ll have the peace of mind with a CD that your money is safely tucked away.
Because CD interest rates are higher than traditional savings accounts, they can be a great way to maximize the return on your money in more ways than one. As a rule, putting your money into a CD will boost both your interest rate and your annual percentage yield, which is the return that comes from compounding the interest over the course of the term.
Most banks and credit unions typically require you to hold a minimum balance in your savings account or face monthly charges, and these charges can offset any interest you may have earned. That’s quite different than the life of a CD. As long as you keep your money in your CD for the length of the term, you will likely not incur any monthly charges.
CDs vs money market accounts
In general, CDs offer the highest interest rates. However, they also require you to set aside your money for a predetermined period of time. Make an early withdrawal, and you may get hit with a penalty. Money Market accounts offer you more flexibility to withdraw money on short notice, similar to the flexibility provided by a savings account.
With a money market account, you earn variable interest, but with a CD, you earn comparatively higher interest rates. Like savings accounts, money market accounts allow you to make up to six monthly withdrawals. Withdrawals during a CDs term will often result in a penalty.
CDs vs savings accounts
If your money is in a savings account, it’s available when you need it. Savings accounts are a useful way to stow money away for unexpected emergencies or large purchases. CDs, on the other hand, often charge a penalty if you want to withdraw your money before the agreed upon term is up. Your interest rate is most often higher and fixed for the length of the term, though, while interest rates on a savings account can, and do, fluctuate and are lower than CDs.
Cd Savings Rate

Traditional CDs vs IRA CDs
Cd Savings Account Chase
CDs and IRA CDs look similar on the surface, but if you dig a little deeper you’ll find subtle differences. An IRA CD is a CD that you buy with the funds you have in your retirement account and there are tax breaks on this type of CD. If you were to invest all the retirement funds in your IRA in a CD, then the IRA would become an IRA CD.
You can deposit as much as you like into a regular CD, provided that you’re following the terms of the CD and the bank. With an IRA CD, you are restricted as to how much you can invest. Both types of CDs may have early withdrawal penalties, but with an IRA CD, an early withdrawal will trigger taxes and penalties related to your retirement account. You can earn higher interest rates with an IRA CD, but the terms are usually longer than with CDs.
The impact of 0.10% on $1,000
Depending on what you’re looking for, you may end up considering several types of CDs, including IRA CDs held in a tax-advantaged account, jumbo CDs, which have a high minimum-balance requirement,or a liquid CD that allows you to take funds out without incurring a penalty. No matter which you choose, though, it’s important to understand the importance of APY on your CD. Let’s look at how a 0.1% change in the rate on your CD would impact the outcome over the term of the product. Assume your bank calculates and pays interest only once at the end of the year.
Calculating a 0.1% change on a $1,000 CD
Term | Deposit | Earned APY 2.40% | Add 0.1% Change |
6 months | $1,000 | $11.93 | $12.42 |
12 months | $1,000 | $24.00 | $25.00 |
18 months | $1,000 | $36.22 | $37.73 |
60 months | $1,000 | $125.90 | $131.41 |
As you can see, the 0.1% adds up, especially over time. A 6-month CD with a $1,000 deposit can increase from $11.93 in interest to $12.42 in interest by the end of the term, and interest on a 60-month CD would increase from $125.90 to $131.41. Adding a 0.1% change may not seem like much, but with higher amounts and longer periods of time, it can really add up. Use this information to help you to decide if you want to lock your money away in a CD, which bank is right for you, how much you want to invest.
The Certificate of Deposit (CD) Calculator can help determine accumulated interest earnings on CDs over time. Included are considerations for tax and inflation for more accurate results.
What is a Certificate of Deposit?
A certificate of deposit is an agreement to deposit money for a fixed period that will pay interest. Common term lengths range from three months to five years. The lengthier the term, the higher the exposure to interest rate risk. Generally, the larger the initial deposit, or the longer the investment period, the higher the interest rate. As a type of investment, CDs fall on the low-risk, low-return end of the spectrum. Historically, interest rates of CDs tend to be higher than rates of savings accounts and money markets, but lower than the historical average return rate of equities. There are also different types of CDs with varying rates of interest, or rates linked to indexes of various kinds, but the calculator can only do calculations based on fixed rate CDs.
The gains from CDs are taxable as income in the US unless they are in accounts that are tax-deferred or tax-free, such as an IRA or Roth IRA. For more information about or to do calculations involving a traditional IRA or Roth IRA, please visit the IRA Calculator or Roth IRA Calculator.
CDs are called 'certificates of deposit' because before electronic transfers were invented, buyers of CDs were issued certificates in exchange for their deposits as a way for financial institutions to keep track of buyers of their CDs. Receiving actual certificates for making deposits is no longer practiced today, as transactions are done electronically.

One of the defining characteristics of CDs in the US is that they are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). CDs that originate from FDIC-insured banks are insured for up to $250,000, meaning that if banks fail, up to $250,000 of each depositors' funds is guaranteed to be safe. Anyone who wishes to deposit more than the $250,000 limit and wants all of it to be FDIC-insured can simply buy CDs from other FDIC-insured banks. Due to this insurance, there are few lower risk investments. Similarly, credit unions are covered by insurance from the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA insurance), which provides essentially the same insurance coverage on deposits as the FDIC.
Where and How to Purchase CDs
CDs are typically offered by many financial institutions (including the largest banks) as fixed income investments. Different banks offer different interest rates on CDs, so it is important to first shop around and compare maturity periods of CDs, especially their annual percentage yields (APY). This ultimately determines how much interest is received. The process of buying CDs is straightforward; an initial deposit will be required, along with the desired term. CDs tend to have various minimum deposit requirements. Brokers can also charge fees for CDs purchased through them.
'Buying' a CD is effectively lending money to the seller of the CD. Financial institutions use the funds from sold CDs to re-lend (and profit from the difference), hold in their reserves, spend for their operations, or take care of other miscellaneous expenses. Along with the federal funds rate, all of these factors play a part in determining the interest rates that each financial institution will pay on their CDs.
History of CDs
Although they weren't called CDs then, a financial concept similar to that of a modern CD was first used by European banks in the 1600s. These banks gave a receipt to account holders for the funds they deposited, which they lent to merchants. However, to ensure that account holders did not withdraw their funds while they were lent out, the banks began to pay interest for the use of their money for a designated period of time. This sort of financial transaction is essentially how a modern CD operates.
A major turning point for CDs happened in the early twentieth century after the stock market crash of 1929, which was partly due to unregulated banks that didn't have reserve requirements. In response, the FDIC was established to regulate banks and give investors (such as CD holders) assurance that the government would protect their assets up to a limit.
Historically, rates of CD yields have varied greatly. During the high-inflation years of the late 1970s and 1980s, CDs had return rates of almost 20%. On the other hand, CD rates have dropped to as low as standard savings rates during certain years. CD rates have declined since 1984, a time when they once exceeded 10% APY. In late 2007, just before the economy spiraled downward, they were at 4%. In comparison, the average one-year CD yield is around 0.4% in 2017. In the US, the Federal Reserve, which controls federal funds rate, calibrates them accordingly based on the economic climate.
How to Use CDs
CDs are effective financial instruments when it comes to protecting savings, building short term wealth, and ensuring returns without risk. With these key benefits in mind, it is possible to capitalize on CDs by using them to:
- supplement diversified portfolios to reduce total risk exposure. This can come in handy as retirees get closer to their retirement date and require a more guaranteed return to ensure they have savings in retirement to live off of.
- act as a short term (5 years or less) place to put extra money that isn't needed or isn't required until a set future date. This can come in handy when saving for a down payment for a home or car several years in the future.
- estimate future returns accurately because most CDs have fixed rates. The result of this is a useful investment for people who prefer predictability.
As the maturity date for a CD approaches, CD owners have options of what to do next. In most cases, if nothing is done, after maturity date the funds will likely be reinvested into another similar CD. If not, it is possible for buyers to notify the sellers to transfer the funds into a checking or savings account, or reinvest into a different CD.
Withdrawing from a CD
Funds that are invested in CDs are meant to be tied up for the life of the certificate, and any early withdrawals are normally subject to a penalty (except liquid CDs). The severity of the penalty depends on the length of the CD and the issuing institution. As an aside, in certain rising interest rate environments, it can be financially beneficial to pay the early withdrawal penalty in order to reinvest the proceeds into new higher yielding CDs.

CD Ladder
While longer-term CDs offer higher returns, an obvious drawback to them is that the funds are locked up for longer. A CD ladder is a common strategy employed by investors that attempts to circumvent this drawback by using multiple CDs. Instead of renewing just one CD with a specific amount, the CD is split up into multiple amounts for multiple CDs in a set up that allows them to mature at staggered intervals. For example, instead of investing all funds into a 3-year CD, the funds are used to invest in 3 different CDs at the same time with terms of 1, 2, and 3 years. As one matures, making principal and earnings available, proceeds can be optionally reinvested into a new CD or withdrawal. CD laddering can be beneficial when more flexibility is required, by giving a person access to previously-invested funds at more frequent intervals, or the ability to purchase new CDs at higher rates if interest rates go up.
It is important to make the distinction between annual percentage yield (APY) and annual percentage rate (APR). Banks tend to use APR for debt-related accounts such as mortgages, credit cards, and car loans, whereas APY is often related to interest-accruing accounts such as CDs and money market investments. APY denotes the amount of interest earned with compound interest accounted for in an entire year, while APR is the annualized representation of monthly interest rate. APY is typically the more accurate representation of effective net gains or losses, and CDs are often advertised in APY rates.
Compounding Frequency
The calculator contains options for different compounding frequencies. As a rule of thumb, the more frequently compounding occurs, the greater the return. To understand the differences between compounding frequencies or to do calculations involving them, please use our Compound Interest Calculator.
Types of CDs
- Traditional CD—Investors receive fixed interest rates over a specified period of time. Money can only be withdrawn without penalty after maturity, and there are also options to roll earnings over for more terms. Traditional CDs that require initial deposits of $100,000 or more are often referred to as 'jumbo' CDs, and usually have higher interest rates.
- Bump-Up CD—Investors are allowed to 'bump up' preexisting interest rates on CDs to match higher current market rates. Bump-up CDs offer the best returns for investors who hold them while interest rates increase. Compared to traditional CDs, these generally receive lower rates.
- Liquid CD—Investors can withdraw from liquid CDs without penalties, but they require maintaining a minimum balance. Interest rates are relatively lower than other types of CDs, but for the most part, still higher than savings accounts or money market investments.
- Zero-Coupon CD—Similar to zero-coupon bonds, these CDs contain no interest payments. Rather, they are reinvested in order to earn more interest. Zero-coupon CDs are bought at fractions of their par values (face value, or amount received at maturity), and generally have longer terms compared to traditional CDs, which can expose investors to considerable risk.
- Callable CD—Issuers that sell callable CDs can possibly recall them from their investors after call-protection periods expire and before they mature, resulting in the return of the initial deposit and any subsequent interest earnings. To make up for this, sellers offer higher rates for these CDs than other types.
- Brokered CD—These are different in that they are sold in brokerage accounts, and not through financial institutions such as banks or credit unions. An advantage to brokered CDs is that there is exposure to a wide variety of CDs instead of just the CDs offered by individual banks.
Alternatives to CDs
- Paying Off Debt—Especially for high-interest debt, paying off existing debt is a great alternative to CDs because it is essentially a guaranteed rate of return, compared to any further investment. Comparatively, even the interest rate of a low rate loan, such as home mortgage, is normally higher than CDs, making it financially rewarding to payoff loan than to collect interest from CD.
- Money Market Accounts—Investors who like the security of a CD and are okay with slightly lower returns can consider money market accounts, which are certain types of FDIC-insured savings accounts that have restrictions such as limits on how funds can be withdrawn. They are generally offered by banks.
- Bonds—Similar to CDs, bonds are relatively low risk financial instruments. Bonds are sold by government (municipal, state, or federal) or corporate entities.
- Peer-to-Peer Lending—Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a fairly new form of lending that arose from advances in internet technology that enables lenders and borrowers to link up on an online platform. Peer borrowers request loans through the platform, and lenders can fund the loans they find desirable. Each P2P lending service will come with rules in order to regulate cases of default.
- Bundled Mortgages—Commonly available through mutual funds, bundled mortgages are securities that are traded in a similar manner as bonds, but generally yield more than Treasury securities. Although they received a lot of negative publicity for the role they played in the 2008 financial crisis, mortgage securities have bounced back through more stringent regulations. Bundled mortgages are backed by the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae).